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The CATLINK system overview...

The CATLINK remote control distribution system is designed for use in structured cabling systems employing twisted pair category 5 (cat5) cabling and using RJ45 as the common connector.

The Catlink system distributes infrared remote control commands via typically a UTP or CAT5 cable network allowing control of PayTV decoders and other A/V equipment from other rooms or locations than in which they are installed.

Catlink Receiver head example
Catlink Distribution Hub
Catlink Emitters Set

For each room or area, where you wish control the equipment from, an infrared Receiver Head is installed and plugged into an RJ45 wall plate that is connected to the cable network. The Receiver head converts the remote control commands into electrical signals that are sent along the cable network to the distribution hub.

The Distribution hub is connected to the cable network (normally via patch panel but can be stand alone if required) and receives the signals from the Receiver heads and mixes them with signals received by other heads or connected hubs and converts & transmits them out to the emitter set circuit.

In other locations, where the equipment to be controlled is located, Emitter sets are installed. The Emitter set converts the electrical signals transmitted from the Distribution hub into infrared signals that are transmitted out of the Emitters and control the equipment to which the emitters are fitted.

Here's some reasons why CATLINK provides significant advantages over other similar equipment on the market ...

Wall plates are standard types with RJ45 inserts and therefore can be in the same style as already installed in the building.
CATLINK is a "crimp & connect" solution using existing readily available connection & crimp systems.
CATLINK can make efficient use of an existing or newly installed structured cabling system.
CATLINK can co-exist with telephone wiring, computer network etc.
CATLINK can be expanded to suit any application big or small and provides support for various arrangements including multi-zoning.

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